eliminate hvac energy waste

Cut Chiller Plant Energy Costs by 20-40% Annually

Optimizing energy performance for the world’s leading businesses

our capabilities

Optimized Efficiency, Maximized Savings

tekWorx innovative software continuously optimizes your entire chilled water system in real-time, without manual intervention. This ensures peak efficiency and delivers substantial energy and water savings from day one.

Adaptive optimization algorithms & insightful energy dashboards that lower your site’s energy use and excess utility costs.

Comprehensive analysis, design and support for complex, critical cooling systems.

A suite of customizable services to ensure facilities achieve and maintain peak chiller system efficiency

how it works

 Xpress®: Optimizing Chiller Plant Performance

Optimize your entire cooling infrastructure with solutions built for your unique site.

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Xpress® easily integrates with any equipment and any BAS.

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All HVAC equipment remains connected to your existing BAS. Xpress® enhances its performance without disruption by passing optimization algorithms to the system.

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As load and equipment conditions change, Xpress® dynamically adjusts equipment sequencing, flow rates, temperatures, and pressure setpoints to minimize energy consumption and reduce operational costs.

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Insightful dashboards highlight energy-saving opportunities and flag equipment performance issues or operational inefficiencies.

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tekWatch® comprehensive support programs ensure continued savings and efficiency.

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how we’re different

Optimization Solutions At Work

Boston Teaching Hospital Cuts Energy and Water Use

AbbVie Plant Optimization Saves $542,000, Earns $250,000 Utility Rebate